Free Tool to Export Exchange Mailbox to PST
. For the user who wants to Export Exchange Mailbox to PST outlook files, we are going to provide the best free tool by this article. Here we will talk about which is the best Free Tool to Export Exchange Mailbox to PST available in the market. Also, we will talk about how to use it to transfer data from Exchange EDB to PST files. Difference b/w Exchange Mailbox EDB files and PST:- Exchange Mailbox EDB:- Exchange Server used by Large enterprises for storing user’s different kinds of data like emails, calendar, appointments, and notes, etc from users' mailboxes. To save all these data items Exchange server uses file type (.edb). It is the file format that is workable only in Exchange server. PST:- The data file that Outlook uses to save./stores users profile data like emails, contacts, other items is PST also known as personal storage table. With this PST file a user can access their data in offline mode with MS Outlook. Also, ...